Click on the board or commission in which you are interested, then choose from the drop-down menu the agenda or minutes for a particular meeting. For information on previous years, please contact the City Clerk at 660.627.1225 or
Boards & Commissions Vacancies
The City of Kirksville is eager to involve citizens in the process of local government through our many Citizen Advisory Commissions. The City Council will accept applications when vacancies occur. When opportunities occur, the City of Kirksville will post them on this page, along with the application, as well as advertise vacancies through a press release.
Applications will be accepted through the City Clerk, typically for two weeks of time; however, the due date will be noted on the application form. After vacancies are filled, applications will not be retained. Citizens must apply for each vacancy individually as it occurs.
Currently, applications are being accepted for the following:
- Currently no vacancies. Please check back
Application Form
Mailing Address:
City of Kirksville
ATTN: City Clerk
201 S. Franklin St.
Kirksville, MO 63501
Sign up today for our "News & Announcements" Group to receive press release notifications, including position vacancies
* The "Submit Via Email" feature on the application does not work in all browsers. Those users who cannot use this feature may save the file and email it to the City Clerk.